Tuesday 22 January 2013

And it's raining.

I think I prefer the snow -  at least it's prettier!
Back at uni, after the eventful snow back home - first day back at uni missed. Check. So now I am looking at the most dismal view of Bournemouth Station and overgrown Asda - complete with Maccy D's. Riveting.
Although, I will say watching people attempt to reverse into parking spaces does get amusing, yeah I am really that bored, it was people watching Vs. Shorthand (not even touched + deadline soon. *insert own choice of expletive here*), CV and covering letter writing and placement searching.
Two days of uni and already behind. Seriously, a piece of news my Mumma R will use against me, when the bus finally turned up - yes it was raining and really busy, great start - one of my friends announced that she has already secured her two week work placement for this year along with the news that most major newspapers aren't really thinking about work placements, more how may people they are letting go that week. #MustThinkPositiveThoughts