Thursday, 15 November 2012

Herb souffle - yes really

Now, I know I have been promising some lovely fashion inspired blogs - however uni has gone into deadline over drive... I can barely bring myself to look at my laptop, even Facebook and Twitter have lost their draw. But today is the last day before my features deadline - way more exciting to write than a law or mjs (media, journalism and society) essay - or in fact a news piece... not entirely sure news journalism is for me - definitely not enough mentions of the word 'louboutin' in a day ;)
However, I was drawn back to my blog from news on the home front, aka, Sevenoaks. My loving sister sent me a text distracting me from my all hard work - yeah right! With a text of a picture containing something which looked like quite a nice pudding... the caption read "my dinner -.- some herb souffle or something -.-"... my reply "Oh wow... mine is whatever isn't out of date or mouldy in the fridge" #unilife #classicsennockinbehaviour
... Can't wait to go home for Christmas after that!! How I miss Sennockin eating! Or just eating non Asda brand products! It is genuinely painful to walk past all those lovely branded products - although I'm better than my flat mate who recently spent £70 on a food shop - he managed to buy one Asda product... wow. Lucky him, had to call mummy and daddy to tell them he needed more money for the rest of the month! But I'm not complaining I got dinner out of it ;) Powers of persuasion people!
Back to my features assignment - which will become one of my fashion related blogs - see just fashionably late...

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